September 8 1966 was the date fixed, Even with Ignorance it could not be seized, But with unscripted immoral and corrupt minds, The goals dwindle and its seed one hardly finds. Speeches of its wonder declared, Glamour and brightness it brings Never to be severed, Perhaps the greed of leaders has it veered, This, for a short whiles the illiteracy darkness. Time slips away, Happenings and seeds germinate and spread, Enhancement appreciated regardless The potholes in the greedy mans stomach Many are the ways exist for the corrupt To loot and keep illiteracy in the Africa, Yet the saving way is just one, Morality, the major addition of integrity and justice Pertinent realization grips the curious hearts, To know and be taught developed paths, Simple nature with great spirits, Breaks the grip of illiteracy and barbaric norms, Deceit of the potholed leaders Assumes their senses that simple nature should be cheated, Cause of the il...
PAIN OF MY SEX To my amazement it was my mother, My transporter to this world, A grateful parasite I have become so no bother, In love she welcomes me with no foul, But this I wonder is her love? To my amazement it was my father, The only kind I’ll spend eternity with, Without holding back I’ll endure the neglects by brother, Anything from him I will take even words filth, Uncertain of his love, now this is love? To my dashed hope it was my brother, The one I carry the same blood and relationship, For him “they are my duties” so i go no further, The men affair and the wordless girls – women despair, I must look too stupid because I still love him, My faith is shattered cause my sister is standing here too, The beloved one I must love and my life should trail, Beautiful heart yet her eyes drips almost without a stop, Dissolved into the scheme of her being and the masked anger and pain she must sail, She loves me; my certainty draws fo...