Envisage your Wealth! Finance is invariably important to all persons but in most cases, its understanding is clearly amiss, therefore; its accountability by most individuals differ as it is understood differently. "Money answereth all things" (Ecclesiastes 10:19), this is a fact. Money relieves an individual from so many problems such as social, marital, academicals, economical, and so on. The function of money is to solve most issues in our lives. But there is a clause to this thought, one must not love money. Is it possible not to love money? Well, I will say an emphatic ‘Yes’! Greed and discontentment make a whole lot of things and relationships go in shambles. The greed which is born via selfishness, will begat more uncontrollable selfishness. Money is to be controlled not allowed to control us. It is a sad fact however, that many have allowed money to control them. Take the instance of an individual who works and earns say, fifty thousand naira monthly, an...
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