WHEN I MET YOU “FRIEND” Uncertain as to what will become of us We were bound by nature You were superior anytime, Not minding if my pocket had a dime, You will strike, surprising always is your gesture Your tenure you inform all But only the lucky or graced witness your next reign For friends like me You are tagged into twelve splits, Further parted into fifty two parts And shredded into three hundred and sixty five shreds Or three hundred and sixty six if you so wish For us, we are no issh. From inception with your vices and negative vibes We have to deal with, For periods of joy and laughter we rejoice And hope to forget your worse filth, Yet you are our friend the Yacht Our tale is like that of the Iroko tree and its branch And also like the Chick and its Owner The removal of the branch from the main tree, The end of nutrient and the branch dries up still, the owner of a chick with purpose feeds the chick, Which either ...
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