Your Own Dream I wouldn’t have met her without meeting you first D (dream) I wouldn’t feel the buff of the hurt without establishing a pre connection with you R (result), Although most times you were not forthcoming R (Result) and Desperately I need you A (achievement) but , Bought out by an extra D (Determination), making it D 2, ; I leaped frog Leap frog when more unwanted (R) risk sets in I continued with my friendly (R) resilience and (E) Expectations came into play Yet I was drawn back consistently, Consistently in crashed hope of Uncertainty and I almost gave up To the stretching gum of poverty I dwindled To the leavening dough of hunger my life meddled upon, Now you (M), momentum, moment and Movement , I can affix my strength for the very I had thrived and seen all positive (R) Results Therefore, I dream ahead of better general change for a better general fairness and peace, Therefore dream on still rearrange your dream i...
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