Down and Out Who cares to notice the penniless? Who cares how they became ripen? Griping you to their desperate chest, So jamed and bashed crossing to beg, Limps and crawls from spot to spot. . My chest flames to such doleful pleas, Clutching hooves strolling thier way, Smokes my heart to hear them cry out, ‘‘Oh how will I succeed, Oh how do I live?” “I crave you with every breath I got in me” Old and weary, young and lanky, Resting beneath bridges for warmth, Feasting on scrap wearing tatters, Without buddies, no family, nor us, No one seem to see or care little. Having nothing that matters to the rich, Pleased with what they receive with hope, From break to night, twenty four seven, Lay noisy tummys by slumpy gutters, If they disappeared who cares where to? Miserable basking on side walks, Faces pale like out of oxygen for days, Targets of hunger, cold and epidemic, A smile can warm a paupers lifetime, Let them in, they knock, share your little. By Bassem Aya...
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