Long Poem For Peace (PT4)

I am awake
I know you don't like me
, you don't like this
get up and leave
you will find I will follow you
right into your dreams
you will no longer hide and wash your hands in innocence
our cause, our reasons, our way of life
its always the same side
its your side
its just a finger on the trigger
quick snap dead
and a few civilians killed by mistake
I'll be a mountain of bloody legs
blown off by land mines
resurrected arms and hands,
shattered severed heads
raining down
I have the strength of all the men killed
the innocence of the children
the raging sorrow of the mothers
the sadness of the fathers
when they realize that it is
their own sad art that paints this picture
its the cold kiss of death
I will kiss you this morning
in the big ditch in the field
you will stand beside in the cold dawn
its your own child's eyes you see looking up at you
its a crack, a thud
the kiss moves down the line
you fall
you see your child's eye move as you fall
stranger, in a long red cloak, standing before the fire, unannounced
dark deep eyes and brooding brows dark
velvet complexion
gather of blood
claiming souls for the record
the wall
the star in the window
the photo on the tomb stone
the telegraph from western union
we are sorry
to report...
the cannon accidentally fired during maneuvers facing away from the range
the Yankees were drilling and doing range practice
I was looking at her and how beautiful she was in the evening sun
I saw the way the sun shone through the lace on her dress
when the ball arrived
oh sad arts, are the arts of war
the arts of crime and shame
innocence destroyed
God made insane
for God and country of thee I bleed
I am angry
you don't see the empty hours in a cell alone
you don't see your man hammering the nails into the God child's wrists
over and over
you never blame yourself
for accepting this
is your bomb
this is your fear and rage
this is your blind acceptance
there will always be wars
you know any thing is possible with God
what do you want ?
I'll not dance at your victory,
you slyly let them start,
you knew
and pushed the hate along
looked the other way a moment
You are the problem of hate
you are the fear, and greed
me, me, me, you whimper
my God
my country
my people,
the prophet,
the way
we are
you are not
Gods children
infidel Jew Christian Buddhist
Arapaho man
told the young men
there is only death in war
"it is only death+ he said
you choose a path that is a lie in the beginning
and death in the end,
I don't have time for your lying worm tongues
you bitter hate baitor's
you know who you are
Rush and I-ah ttola
I am in front of you now
I stand ragged and torn with my old shopping cart
in front of your car
you sit on the horn,
you cant scare this old solider
I'll not move
I don't even know my own name
what is that sound?
I am yours
the Congress gave the military millions and millions
they gave me a ticket to Korea
do you know how red
blood is in the snow?
blood is almost black in moonlight
I see the frozen children
fallen men
the skinny dog valiantly guarding the old woman's pale torn body
black on white, in gray sad memories flicker on and off
curse me of course in your car at the cross walk
but you should know, I
am yours
I am your humanity
I am what you teach your children
every tribe a killer tribe
every flag a song of death
you weave this tapestry
of death and destruction
into all that you are
you are never free
from the blinding explosion
searing and tearing, shattering your life into tattered meat
words spoken by the red mouths of the leaders
and preachers
teachers of hate and destruction
always, somehow...incredibly
for God or in the name of the Prophet or with God's divine help....
I'll take my shattered mind now..thank you very much
out of your way
you drive on..go on
wondering what was wrong with that crazy old fool with the shopping cart
now you will know
I will tell you
I will seep into every thing you do
again and again you will see me
in a book
on the news, out the window
as gun shots ring out in the night we lie in the tall wet grass
it smells like snakes and is scratchy
when the rain came we did not move,
father said not to move
until he came back
he said, pretend this is a dream and you are asleep
be very still, do not call me if some one comes, do not move, close your eyes and do not answer them
unless they know your names
he said this very quickly
and in a whisper
he was trembling, we felt his hand on us shaking, then he ran
it was still and quiet
a wind came and the rain, sister moved close to me but made no sound
now we lie in the tall wet grass
many excited voices
then gun shots, screams, the sound of some one coming
tromping around
they stop and come over around us
sister doesn't move,
I don't move
someone laughs one time
then crack
you will come with us now your children do not need you any more
I will settle into your dreams
it is different now
I grow in power every day
for as long as I stayed away
taking the hate and pain
gathering the sorrow and mindless grief of disbelief
the senseless tragedy
the couples locked in a death grip
having cut each others arteries staring
wild eyed at each other in victory
a vast horde came to me on fire
some coverd in oil some in gasoline
others came as ash, all in one quick moment
like dust they settled among the severed heads
all a gift from your little planet home
the poison men gather, with their white coats and microscopes, all the little frozen viles
anthrax and smallpox, so many deadly things to play with
they pile high the store room
the swords and knifes, all bloody and ringing with hate
clash in endless battle in the halls
all about the bullets and cannon shot fly
shredded flesh drifts down like snow
blinded bleeding eyes look on as countless voices cry out
the shutter of death trembles in your hart.
I know you don't like me
, you don't like this
get up and leave
you will find I will follow you
right into your dreams
you will no longer hide and wash your hands in innocence
our cause, our reasons, our way of life
its always the same side
its your side
its just a finger on the trigger
quick snap dead
and a few civilians killed by mistake
I'll be a mountain of bloody legs
blown off by land mines
resurrected arms and hands,
shattered severed heads
raining down
I have the strength of all the men killed
the innocence of the children
the raging sorrow of the mothers
the sadness of the fathers
when they realize that it is
their own sad art that paints this picture
its the cold kiss of death
I will kiss you this morning
in the big ditch in the field
you will stand beside in the cold dawn
its your own child's eyes you see looking up at you
its a crack, a thud
the kiss moves down the line
you fall
you see your child's eye move as you fall
stranger, in a long red cloak, standing before the fire, unannounced
dark deep eyes and brooding brows dark
velvet complexion
gather of blood
claiming souls for the record
the wall
the star in the window
the photo on the tomb stone
the telegraph from western union
we are sorry
to report...
the cannon accidentally fired during maneuvers facing away from the range
the Yankees were drilling and doing range practice
I was looking at her and how beautiful she was in the evening sun
I saw the way the sun shone through the lace on her dress
when the ball arrived
oh sad arts, are the arts of war
the arts of crime and shame
innocence destroyed
God made insane
for God and country of thee I bleed
I am angry
you don't see the empty hours in a cell alone
you don't see your man hammering the nails into the God child's wrists
over and over
you never blame yourself
for accepting this
is your bomb
this is your fear and rage
this is your blind acceptance
there will always be wars
you know any thing is possible with God
what do you want ?
I'll not dance at your victory,
you slyly let them start,
you knew
and pushed the hate along
looked the other way a moment
You are the problem of hate
you are the fear, and greed
me, me, me, you whimper
my God
my country
my people,
the prophet,
the way
we are
you are not
Gods children
infidel Jew Christian Buddhist
Arapaho man
told the young men
there is only death in war
"it is only death+ he said
you choose a path that is a lie in the beginning
and death in the end,
I don't have time for your lying worm tongues
you bitter hate baitor's
you know who you are
Rush and I-ah ttola
I am in front of you now
I stand ragged and torn with my old shopping cart
in front of your car
you sit on the horn,
you cant scare this old solider
I'll not move
I don't even know my own name
what is that sound?
I am yours
the Congress gave the military millions and millions
they gave me a ticket to Korea
do you know how red
blood is in the snow?
blood is almost black in moonlight
I see the frozen children
fallen men
the skinny dog valiantly guarding the old woman's pale torn body
black on white, in gray sad memories flicker on and off
curse me of course in your car at the cross walk
but you should know, I
am yours
I am your humanity
I am what you teach your children
every tribe a killer tribe
every flag a song of death
you weave this tapestry
of death and destruction
into all that you are
you are never free
from the blinding explosion
searing and tearing, shattering your life into tattered meat
words spoken by the red mouths of the leaders
and preachers
teachers of hate and destruction
always, somehow...incredibly
for God or in the name of the Prophet or with God's divine help....
I'll take my shattered mind now..thank you very much
out of your way
you drive on..go on
wondering what was wrong with that crazy old fool with the shopping cart
now you will know
I will tell you
I will seep into every thing you do
again and again you will see me
in a book
on the news, out the window
as gun shots ring out in the night we lie in the tall wet grass
it smells like snakes and is scratchy
when the rain came we did not move,
father said not to move
until he came back
he said, pretend this is a dream and you are asleep
be very still, do not call me if some one comes, do not move, close your eyes and do not answer them
unless they know your names
he said this very quickly
and in a whisper
he was trembling, we felt his hand on us shaking, then he ran
it was still and quiet
a wind came and the rain, sister moved close to me but made no sound
now we lie in the tall wet grass
many excited voices
then gun shots, screams, the sound of some one coming
tromping around
they stop and come over around us
sister doesn't move,
I don't move
someone laughs one time
then crack
you will come with us now your children do not need you any more
I will settle into your dreams
it is different now
I grow in power every day
for as long as I stayed away
taking the hate and pain
gathering the sorrow and mindless grief of disbelief
the senseless tragedy
the couples locked in a death grip
having cut each others arteries staring
wild eyed at each other in victory
a vast horde came to me on fire
some coverd in oil some in gasoline
others came as ash, all in one quick moment
like dust they settled among the severed heads
all a gift from your little planet home
the poison men gather, with their white coats and microscopes, all the little frozen viles
anthrax and smallpox, so many deadly things to play with
they pile high the store room
the swords and knifes, all bloody and ringing with hate
clash in endless battle in the halls
all about the bullets and cannon shot fly
shredded flesh drifts down like snow
blinded bleeding eyes look on as countless voices cry out
the shutter of death trembles in your hart.
by David Wetzel
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